Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Research Objectives...

1) To find the weaknesses of the film industry in Malaysia
2) To analyze the effects of film industries among community 
3) To identify the best solution to improve the quality of the film in Malaysia


werebiussmembers said...

ADLINA : for me its was rather hot topic and a lot of people out there still talking about it,as well with the film buff..

werebiussmembers said...

PIDA (umi rafidah) : i agree with the research objectives about the direction film industry in Malaysia. This is because, i can knows more about the direction film industry. After reading that objective, I think more people would be attracted with this film topic....

werebiussmembers said...

iena azrena : in my opinion, this topic should be discussed because it is important to raise the economic status and industry in our country.

werebiussmembers said...

PIDA: IENA AZRENA, can you explain how industry film can improve or raise the economic status???

werebiussmembers said...

ADLINA :as we known as when our film had sale or displayed in other countries,can indirectly highlights through the world.Beside thats, the economy will be stronger with the inclusion of other national currencies.

werebiussmembers said...

azrena: The government gave a lot of funds to develop the creative industries, especially film. This is the government's efforts to mobilize capital and innovation-based economy through sales and foreign films.
The economists to analyze the global creative industries will contribute revenue and huge economic returns to the country.

werebiussmembers said...

PIDA : For my opinion, nation's economy will rising when Malaysia be a film destination in the worlds. This case because, Malaysia has location that very attractive such as in Pulau Pangkor. Apart from that, film production from Malaysia can change idea or experience in this film field so that film quality Malaysia much better.